BUY A TICKETGalleries3ta2 SANTANI GALLERYは2006年愛媛県松山市に開廊。ジャンルを問わずオリジナリティの高い作品の展示を試みています。また展覧会のみならず、国内外のアートフェアにも参加。作家の表現の場を広げ、作品の魅力を伝える活動に積極的に取り組んでいます。瑞々しい芸術に触れる喜びは、何ものにも代えがたいと考えます。 Located in Ehime Japan and surrounded by the beautiful Seto Inland Sea and the Ishizuchi mountain range, SANTANI GALLERY was opened in 2006.We exhibit highly original art works including contemporary art, in a variety of media forms.We also participate in art fairs and exhibitions all over Japan.SNTANI GALLERY aims to offers space in which artists from a wide variety of fields can flourish.We also strive to provide opportunities for young artists to express their creative and innovative works.〒791-1111 愛媛県松山市高井町560-4TEL. 089-970-1043E-mail. info@3ta2-gallery.comWebsite. {
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